And guess what....... I'll be there with some of my team so come and join us and make a card whilsts chilling out in the pamper tent during the intervals. See you then!
With less than two weeks to go this is an update you don’t want to miss!
Special Price
Bring a Friend for Just $89
(only 4 days left!)
Don’t forget that you have purchased a full registration this is the last week you can register your friend for $89
The special price is valid only till Sunday 30 August
Surprise a Sista
Nominate a Sista in your world who has been through a tough time and is in need of someone to reach out and bring colour into their world. We want to brighten someone’s day with gifts and TLC.
To nominate your friend, to receive your form then
print off and either fax, post or email it back to us.
Sistas for a Day
If you are not able to come to Sistas for the whole week, we would love to have you join us for a day.
The cost per day is $90 this includes the evening session.
To register for a day print off the form and either fax, post or email it back to us.
She is Creative Option:
Creating with Food – Hospitality made Easy
We have the fabulous Pearl Harper taking this Hospitality Option
Here is a wee insight on Pearl: Pearl developed recipes for Tupperware that started her on the cooking journey. She wrote several cook books, travelled around Australia teaching cooking for Amway that eventually led to her own cooking show on regional TV, Eating Easy with Pearl. She currently caters for private jets and runs her own catering company. Ultimately she is passionate about teaching women hospitality and cooking. Down to earth, with fabulous ideas on fast, healthy and easy meals – this will be a session not to be missed.
Parking for Conference 1
We have been able to secure some car parks for you at the Ellerslie Racecourse. From there we have a shuttle bus which will bring you to LIFE Central in Mt Eden. The car park is free, but the shuttle bus is a cost of $25 for the three conference days. Timetables will be available from the Hotel Reception on your arrival.
Conference 1: LIFE Central, 95 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden
Conference 2: Telstra Clear Pacific Events Centre, Manukau
Special Price
Bring a Friend for Just $89
(only 4 days left!)
Don’t forget that you have purchased a full registration this is the last week you can register your friend for $89
The special price is valid only till Sunday 30 August
Surprise a Sista
Nominate a Sista in your world who has been through a tough time and is in need of someone to reach out and bring colour into their world. We want to brighten someone’s day with gifts and TLC.
To nominate your friend, to receive your form then
print off and either fax, post or email it back to us.
Sistas for a Day
If you are not able to come to Sistas for the whole week, we would love to have you join us for a day.
The cost per day is $90 this includes the evening session.
To register for a day print off the form and either fax, post or email it back to us.
She is Creative Option:
Creating with Food – Hospitality made Easy
We have the fabulous Pearl Harper taking this Hospitality Option
Here is a wee insight on Pearl: Pearl developed recipes for Tupperware that started her on the cooking journey. She wrote several cook books, travelled around Australia teaching cooking for Amway that eventually led to her own cooking show on regional TV, Eating Easy with Pearl. She currently caters for private jets and runs her own catering company. Ultimately she is passionate about teaching women hospitality and cooking. Down to earth, with fabulous ideas on fast, healthy and easy meals – this will be a session not to be missed.
Parking for Conference 1
We have been able to secure some car parks for you at the Ellerslie Racecourse. From there we have a shuttle bus which will bring you to LIFE Central in Mt Eden. The car park is free, but the shuttle bus is a cost of $25 for the three conference days. Timetables will be available from the Hotel Reception on your arrival.
Conference 1: LIFE Central, 95 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden
Conference 2: Telstra Clear Pacific Events Centre, Manukau